úterý, března 14, 2006


A to je zajímavé, všichni možná máme stejné geny, ale různě je zapínáme nebo vypínáme svým chováním a tím, jak žijeme. Všechno nemusí být dané předem.

Epigenetics: "You have heard me say often enough that genes are not destiny and that what you do and eat and even your environment turn switches on and off. Gary Marcus writes of the genes as 'If Then, Else' switches meaning what is expressed depends on conditionals, not just dumb on off switches. Cascades of gene switches can accomplish tasks of arbitrary complexity. This is likely why we are able to get by with 'only' 30,000 genes. Combinations of genes, on and off, arrayed in series switches can function as a universal computer, encoding programs of great complexity.

I turn my genes on and off all the time with deliberate actions. So does every one else, but they may be activating wholly different programs. One of the basic elements of my approach is that we are active genotypes, our genes encode a phenotype that must be active to turn on healthy and adaptive genetic programs. Some of my posts on FT and ST muscle describe how the genes in the muscle express heavy chain or light chain myosin depending on the kinases they are exposed to and the oxygen and acid state of their environment."

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